The beer industry is the most traditional industry that produces alcoholic beverages. Beer is approximately 95% water, especially during the brewing and bottling process. In addition to process water, wastewater generation and treatment is another concern for breweries. Most breweries discharge 70% of their incoming water as wastewater. However, the by-products produced, including saccharification and yeast residues, can cause contamination when mixed with wastewater such as sugar, soluble starch, ethanol and volatile fatty acids. If brewery wastewater is discharged without proper treatment, it can seriously disturb natural ecosystems.
Brewery wastewater treatment methods
Large breweries undergo preliminary treatment before discharging it into municipal sewers. However, some breweries treat their own wastewater through physical, chemical or biological treatment methods.
physical treatment method
Physical methods are treatment methods that use physical force to remove contaminants. Since brewery wastewater contains grains such as barley, this method is ideal for removing coarse solid ice scale. This is a passive process, like sedimentation, which allows suspended contaminants to settle out or float to the top. This approach often results in incomplete removal or separation of contaminants.
chemical treatment
Chemicals are added to wastewater to remove contaminants from it. Chemical pretreatment includes pH adjustment, coagulation and flocculation. Acidity or alkalinity can affect the environment and wastewater treatment systems. In this method, the pH needs to be maintained between 6 and 9 to protect healthy organisms. Coagulation and flocculation are physicochemical processes commonly used to remove colloidal substances or colors from water and wastewater. Therefore, pH adjustment and flocculation are the most common methods used in breweries to remove toxic substances and colloidal impurities
biological treatment
After beer wastewater has been physically and chemically treated, additional biological treatment can be performed. Biological treatment processes convert biodegradable organic pollutants present in wastewater. Brewery wastewater contains chemical and microbial contaminants, and biological processes are one of the most preferred methods for removing these contaminants.
We hope our blog helps you understand the importance of treating beer industry wastewater in the right way to help maintain our ecosystem. What methods does your brewery use to treat wastewater? Let us know in the comments below, or you can write to us:
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